Confidence Class
Course Length
3 Weeks Learning
You can book an in home lesson for $97 whilst doing the course to help at Home (Normally $177)
Can I Add extra Weeks
Duration Each Week
1 Hour each Week
Additional Videos
Not at this Stage
How Many Dogs/Puppies
are there
Maximum of 4 Puppies
Age Requirement
Small Dog or Large Breeds up to 24 Weeks of age
How Often Run
Once a Month
Can my Family Come/Interact
Yes but only whilst teaching your own dog the activities
Lawnton Only in our Centre
Total Price for the Course
$147 for the Full 3 Week Course
The price for this 3 week Small Dog and Large puppy under 6 months confidence school course is $137 total. Your Large Breed Puppy needs to be under 24 weeks of age at the start date to commence this course or it needs to be any age small breed dog and all dogs fully vaccinated. This would suit dogs or large breeds that just missed puppy school. Whilst not socialisation we can tailor it individually to help you.
You can do this at the same time as your puppy school with us.
The purpose of this course is to help expose your Pup or dog to as many unique challenges as possible to build their confidence in this critical early stage. If is designed around food and toys to teach you how to counter condition issues that may arise in the future while building their resilience.
We also add enrichment activities to help teach you how to give your pup a healthy all round mental stimulation.
We are here to ensure the proper development of your puppy. The course has been designed on the feedback from clients unhappy with what is in the marketplace, there are now a number of other businesses that copy our formats and methods as we lead the way. The trainers are trained in Dog Behaviour and are in the field training dogs and dealing with behavioural issues with clients every day – not trained in a shop reading a book on learning it via an in store training system. We have seen too many clients disappointed with what's on offer or given incorrect even dangerous advice in stores. There are a maximum of only 6 puppies allowed in each class to ensure you and your dog learn what you need to.
This is a controlled environment and show you how to do this. Resilience is the name of the game - we teach you how to get a puppy confident so when it is older it can realize they can cope with the human world not be a blithering mess afraid of different environments.
Please note – these puppies are in the most formative part of their life – as such we never use any technique that is cruel, inhumane or harsh. The course is designed to use treats to MAP in their mind specific behaviours for later in life. Once they graduate and are old enough we don’t use treats to bribe our dogs to do basic commands and basic obedience. We use positive rewards not food and basic obedience teaches you how to do this.